Selection Process
All complete applications received by the due date will be screened to ensure applicants satisfy the basic eligibility criteria. Following general testing and specialist auditions, short-listed candidates will attend a guided interview with a Scholarship Programme Panel. The final scholarship selection will be made by the Renaissance College Scholarship Programme Committee.
Academic Scholarships Selection
Selection of academic scholars is based on the results of screening, testing, and interviews coordinated by the Renaissance College Scholarships Committee. The scholarship test includes individual assessments in the areas of mathematics, science (Year 8 and above), language, writing and academic potential.
Applicants will be notified of the testing date, time, venue and assessment procedures in March 2025. All students who sit for the scholarship tests will receive a notice on whether or not they have been successful in proceeding to the next interview stage by May 2025. After attending the subsequent group and individual interviews, successful students will be offered a scholarship place for entry to Renaissance College, commencing August 2025.
Music Scholarships Selection
The two-stage selection process is based on musical talent and aptitude, and academic ability. At the first stage, all applicants are requested to submit a recording of a recent performance on a USB thumb driver or equivalent (a QR code to a digital file included in the application is also allowed) together with the application.
The second stage involves an audition performance session on shortlisted candidates conducted at Renaissance College. Students will be asked to perform an individual audition using their chosen instruments. Students are advised to present pieces appropriate to their level and to not attempt works that are below or above their present capabilities. In choosing audition pieces students should strive to select works that allow them to demonstrate technical skill, clarity, and range on their chosen instrument. Students can also opt to submit a portfolio of creation and compositional work to demonstrate their versatility with the subject area.
This second stage will take place in May 2025, at the Performing Arts Centre, Renaissance College. After subsequent individual interviews, successful students will be offered a Music scholarship place for entry to Renaissance College by June 2025.
Theatre Scholarships Selection
There are three key components to the Theatre Scholarship interview and audition process – The Interview, The Audition/Showcase and The Reflection.
For the interview session, applicants are asked to present a Theatre Portfolio that showcases their interest, experience, and skills in Theatre/Technical Theatre. The Theatre Portfolio, while it can be presented in any way that the candidates prefer, should also be printed as a document for the panel to keep and refer to. Students will be asked questions with regard to how they view their future as a scholar, and there will also be questions that relate directly to the work they will have presented in their Theatre Portfolio.
For the audition (performance-based), candidates will perform two monologues, one contemporary and one Shakespearean from a prescribed list. The list will be made available to students once they have submitted their application. Applicants will also be asked to perform an improvisation solo. As for the showcase (technical theatre), students will prepare and create, in the black box theatre space, two contrasting technical moments in theatre from a prescribed list of plays. Candidates are allowed to use actors if they wish, and if they need more than one technician to bring their showcase to fruition, they can bring along assistants they will need to help operate the equipment as they wish.
The reflection is an opportunity to talk through the creative process they experienced when preparing for audition/showcase, and what they intend their audience to feel during their performances/showcases.
Theatre auditions will take place from April to May 2025, at the Black Box Theatre of Renaissance College. Following subsequent individual interviews, successful students will be offered a scholarship place for entry to Renaissance College by June 2025.
Visual Art Scholarships Selection
Selection, in two stages, is based on Visual Arts proficiency and aptitude, and academic ability. At the first stage, all applicants will be invited to submit an art portfolio, which should include a minimum of 6 studio pieces and a workbook/sketch book to support their art-making.
The second stage involves an exhibition/interview session conducted at Renaissance College. Shortlisted students will be invited to present their portfolio of work. Candidates are advised to choose their work carefully so that they demonstrate a range of Visual Arts skills and techniques. Students will exhibit their work and provide an oral presentation to an interview/selection panel. Evidence of prior achievements and references will also be taken into consideration.
This second stage will take place around May 2025, at Renaissance College.
Successful students, should they pass the following interview session, will be offered a scholarship place for entry to Renaissance College by June 2025.
Sports Scholarships Selection
Prospective sports scholarship applicants should ensure they provide relevant and informative references from their chosen referees with their application.
The selection process for Sports Scholarships will also be two parts and assessed against qualitative criteria. Firstly, the selection panel may request that the applicant provide further evidence of achievement in their sport by way of video evidence or to participate in sports-specific skills and fitness tests on a given date during the selection process. For qualifying candidates, the second stage is a face-to-face interview with the Sports Scholarship Selection panel around May 2025.
Successful candidates, after completing the final interview, will be notified of their final results by June 2025.